How We Save Money on Water

Reading Time: 2 minutes

  Water is precious, and conserving it is good for the environment. But saving money on water bills benefits your wallet as well. Today, we are excited to share with you yet another way that we at Green Ocean Property Management can help you save more money with your investment property.   Our Water Bill…

How We Save Money on Water


Water is precious, and conserving it is good for the environment. But saving money on water bills benefits your wallet as well. Today, we are excited to share with you yet another way that we at Green Ocean Property Management can help you save more money with your investment property.


Our Water Bill Dilemma

One time, our financial team was paying the water bill for one of our properties. The bill turns out to be over $1600. Imagine that this is only a two-family house and normally, our water bills for that averaged about $80 only.


Our water bill dilemma


As soon as we found this out, we had our team call and email the residents. About two days later, the resident says, “oh my gosh, I forgot the water spigot faucet outside. It won’t shut off, it was connected to a hose.”  They just never let us know, or perhaps, they forgot to tell us. So it made us think that there are water spigots outside that connect to hoses, and people can just leave them on or wash their cars from them.


This concerns your water bills. If you are an investment property owner, you have to pay for the water and the sewer costs. So at the end of the day, water can get expensive, especially if hoses are left on constantly. In the case of our $1600 bill, who knows how long it was left on to add up to that amount.


How We Saved Money on Water

How We Save Money on Water


So we did some research, and we bought a lock and key (see photo above). All you have to do is turn this on to the spigot head, then turn the lock. That lock will not allow anybody to put anything on that spigot, controlling it instead.


In the first place, tenants shouldn’t be watering their flowers or washing their cars. They are also more than likely to leave the faucet on, just wasting precious water and money for an investment property owner. This lock and key set prevent that: it costs less than $20 but they can save you thousands on your water bills.


Our commitment

If you or anyone else you know is looking for a proactive property manager to help you save more money and solve problems before they happen, please think of Green Ocean Property Management: where you get more than a property manager, you get peace of mind.


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