Top Three Property Issues You Should Never Ignore: Drainage, Leaks, and Heat

Reading Time: 3 minutes

As a property owner, it’s crucial to address maintenance concerns promptly to avoid long-term problems that can negatively impact your property and tenants. This article will discuss the top three issues that property owners should always address: drainage problems, leaks, and heat issues. By recognizing and proactively addressing these issues, you can ensure a well-maintained…

Top Three Property Issues You Should Never Ignore Drainage, Leaks, and Heat

As a property owner, it’s crucial to address maintenance concerns promptly to avoid long-term problems that can negatively impact your property and tenants. This article will discuss the top three issues that property owners should always address: drainage problems, leaks, and heat issues. By recognizing and proactively addressing these issues, you can ensure a well-maintained property and happy tenants.


Drainage Issues: A Recipe for Disaster 


Slow drains in sinks, toilets, or tubs are red flags that should not be ignored. If snaking the branch lines doesn’t solve the problem, it may indicate a larger issue with the main drain. Proper drainage is vital to prevent backups, which can lead to sewage or dirty water returning to the property. These backups cause extensive damage, with water leaking onto floors, resulting in rot, unpleasant odors, and tenant complaints. Scheduling main drain cleaning at least once a year is recommended to prevent such disasters.


Drainage Issues A Recipe for Disaster 

Leaks: Addressing Water Damage and Costly Expenses 


Leaking pipes or fixtures harm your property and result in unnecessary expenses. They need immediate attention, whether the leaks are in the basement, beneath sinks, or behind toilets. Water and sewer charges from the city can quickly add up, especially when leaks persist. Addressing these leaks immediately can save you money in the long run and prevent further damage to your property. It is advisable to hire a plumber or handyman to fix the leaks as soon as they are detected.


Leaks Addressing Water Damage and Costly Expenses 

Heat Issues: Ensuring Tenant Comfort and Compliance 


Proper heating is a legal requirement in most cities, and failure to provide sufficient heat can lead to serious consequences. Tenants rely on a comfortable living environment, especially during colder months. Inadequate heating systems that fail to reach the desired temperatures can result in tenant complaints and even legal actions. To avoid these issues, it is essential to address heat problems promptly. Regular maintenance and inspections of heating systems can ensure optimal performance and tenant satisfaction.


Heat Issues Ensuring Tenant Comfort and Compliance 

Why Choose Green Ocean Property Management


Ignoring property issues like drainage problems, leaks, and heat issues can have severe consequences, ranging from property damage to legal complications. By prioritizing proactive maintenance and timely repairs, you can avoid long-term problems and ensure a positive living experience for your tenants. If you require expert guidance and proactive property management solutions, consider Green Ocean Property Management. Our dedicated team provides comprehensive services to help you navigate potential issues and ensure peace of mind as a property owner. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you.


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If you or anyone else you know is looking for a proactive property manager to help guide you through the renovation and determine what you should do at your property to get you the highest amount of rent for the least amount of renovation money, please think of Green Ocean Property Management: where you get more than a property manager, you get peace of mind.


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