How can a Property Manager help You?

Reading Time: 3 minutes

  As a property management company for a few hundred investment properties around greater Boston, we have had our share of losses ranging from small to massively big. These insurance losses change people’s lives, whether it is a flood or fire or something that is going to kick a tenant out of the property. We…

How A Property Manager Helps


As a property management company for a few hundred investment properties around greater Boston, we have had our share of losses ranging from small to massively big. These insurance losses change people’s lives, whether it is a flood or fire or something that is going to kick a tenant out of the property. We make sure that as your property manager, we help you handle the process from start to finish, as quickly and as efficiently as possible.


What does a property manager do?


A great property manager will do much more for you, providing you value far beyond what you pay for. In this article, we will be sharing with you the most important duties a great property manager does to help you.


#1 Help you with your financials.


a property manager helps you with financials

Photo from @mindandi of Freepik


A property manager should be reviewing your income and your expenses with you. At Green Ocean Property Management, we will create a budget and give you suggestions and input on how to minimize expenses and increase your income so you can make more money each year.


#2 Help you in managing and promoting your property.


a property manager helps you with promote your property

Photo from @yanalya of Freepik



The goal is to make the process of renting a property smooth and easy. With the amazing technology we have at our fingertips, we have a 3D tour and a layout made of your property. Thus, prospective renters can virtually walk through a unit and property anytime they want.


#3 Help renters with the application process.


a property manager helps you and your renters with the application process

Photo from @yanalya of Freepik


The application process should also be easy. Renters should be able to fill out their application, pay their deposit, and sign their leases all without leaving their couch. With the state-of-the-art online portals that are now within reach, these tasks should be hassle-free and convenient for you and your renters. 


#4 Help maintain your property.


a property manager helps you with maintain your property

Photo from @dragonimages of Freepik


Maintenance is usually where most landlords and part-time property managers make the biggest and most expensive mistakes. As property managers, we have a 24/7 emergency team. We’re not talking about an answering service that takes a message and says someone will get back to them. We have actual staff that helps diagnose issues and dispatch a vendor immediately. We communicate with tenants through phone, text, and email the entire time.


For non-emergencies, we are giving full visibility of any maintenance request and the ability to approve work. Also, we let you know when the work is completed.


Our commitment

We can go on for hours listing the things a great property manager should be doing to help you. If you’re interested in finding out more, feel free to set up a meeting with us. Remember that with Green Ocean Property Management, you get more than a property manager, you get peace of mind.


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