Understanding Fair Housing Laws and Avoiding Discrimination

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Finding a great place to live is an essential part of building a secure and happy life. Fair housing laws exist to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to find suitable housing. This article will guide you through these laws and how to avoid discrimination, whether you’re a renter or a property manager.   Understanding…

Understanding Fair Housing Laws and Avoiding Discrimination

Finding a great place to live is an essential part of building a secure and happy life. Fair housing laws exist to ensure everyone has an equal opportunity to find suitable housing. This article will guide you through these laws and how to avoid discrimination, whether you’re a renter or a property manager.


Understanding Protected Classes



The Fair Housing Act (FHA) protects individuals from discrimination based on several protected classes. These include:

  • Race and Color: No one can be denied housing because of their race or skin color.
  • Religion: Your religious beliefs cannot be a factor in determining your eligibility for housing.
  • National Origin: Where you come from or your cultural background cannot be used against you in the housing search.
  • Sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation): Housing cannot be denied based on your gender, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
  • Familial Status: Having children under 18 cannot be a reason to exclude you from a rental unit.
  • Disability: Landlords are required to make reasonable accommodations for qualified tenants with disabilities.


Prohibited Actions


The FHA prohibits various discriminatory actions, including:

  • Refusal to Rent or Sell: It’s illegal to deny someone housing based on their protected class.
  • Setting Different Terms and Conditions: Landlords cannot offer different rental terms (e.g., security deposits, pet policies) based on protected class.
  • Steering: Directing applicants to certain properties based on their protected class is a violation of fair housing laws.
  • Harassment: Creating a hostile living environment based on a protected class is illegal.
  • Advertising with Discriminatory Language: Landlord advertisements cannot contain language that excludes people based on their protected class (e.g., “no single parents”).


Avoiding Discrimination in Practice



Both renters and property managers can take steps to prevent discrimination:

  • Neutral and Consistent Screening Process: Establish clear criteria for tenant selection and apply them consistently to all applicants.
  • Objective Criteria for Qualification: Focus on objective factors like income, credit score, and rental history.
  • Standardized Questions and Application Forms: Use the same questions and application form for all potential tenants.
  • Fair Housing Marketing and Advertising: Craft inclusive advertisements that avoid discriminatory language.


Resources and Enforcement

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides resources and enforces fair housing laws. You can find more information on their website: https://www.hud.gov/faqs/fairhousing. Many states and localities also have fair housing agencies that can provide assistance. If you believe you’ve experienced housing discrimination, you can file a complaint with HUD or your local fair housing agency.




Fair housing laws are essential for creating a more equitable society where everyone has access to safe and decent housing. By understanding these laws and following best practices, renters can ensure they’re treated fairly, and property managers can avoid costly legal issues.


Looking for a Property Management Company Committed to Fair Housing?

At Green Ocean Property Management, we prioritize fair housing practices. We understand the importance of creating welcoming communities for everyone. Our team is knowledgeable about fair housing laws and committed to providing excellent service to all potential tenants. 

Contact Green Ocean Property Management today to learn more about our property management services.

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