The Basics of Raft Program

The RAFT Program and How We Help You With It

June 24, 2022

  This pandemic has not been easy for most of us. Luckily, there are rental housing assistance programs in place to tide over affected residents. In today’s article, we talk about the RAFT program and how we assist our residents in their application process.   What is RAFT? RAFT stands for Rental Assistance for Families…

Leak Detection and Repair

Leak Detection and Repair

June 22, 2022

  Property managers should solve your property headaches for you and not add to them. In today’s article, we emphasize the importance of having property managers who are proactive and equipped with the right tools, so they can take care of one of the most common property problems: leak detection and repair.   Let’s Talk…

Introducing Drone

How We Use Drone to Manage Properties

June 20, 2022

  We are taking things to new heights! Today we are introducing the latest addition to our inventory – a drone that we use to manage properties and go beyond regular property management.   What is a Drone?   Drones are formally known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). It is a flying machine that can…

How We Plan Out Renovations

How We Plan Out Renovations

June 17, 2022

  Renovations entail a lot of planning, but you don’t have to do it alone. We plan out renovations in a way that no penny or day is wasted. In today’s article, we will explain how our staff will handle your renovation and get it done extremely quickly. There will be no missed days or…

Never Receive Late Payments Again

How We Handle Late Payments

June 15, 2022

  At Green Ocean Property Management, we implement a system for collecting rent online. And if rent still isn’t paid on time, landlords don’t need to worry as here are the steps we take to handle late payments.   #1 We have a tenant portal   First and foremost, we don’t want any late rent…

Managing Any Task on Your Property Anytime, Anywhere Using Companycam

How We Use CompanyCam

June 13, 2022

  A huge part of what we do is act quickly on any issues with your property. So today, we are excited to share another technology that we use to ensure that landlords and building trustees have full oversight and transparency when it comes to your property. We are talking about CompanyCam and how we…

Reline Your Chimney with Us!

Reline Your Chimney with Us!

June 10, 2022

  Chimneys are essential to ensuring your residents are safe – specifically, with the air they breathe. Today, we talk all about why you should reline your chimney and what it does to keep carbon gases properly vented out of your property.   What are chimneys for?   Most of the time, people think that…

Introducing Asana and the On-Ramping Process

Introducing Asana and the On-ramping Process

June 8, 2022

  Asana is one of the project management tools we use to help us serve you well. In today’s article, we take you on a virtual tour of the Asana interface – starting with the on-ramping process – showing just how much we go above and beyond to invest in state-of-the-art tools that allow us…

Achieve Zero Vacancy Rate

Achieve Zero Vacancy Rate

June 6, 2022

  Your investment property should be maintained, whether rented or not. Across hundreds of properties that we manage, we typically have zero vacancies. But that rate is not something that happens overnight or happens magically. Rather, it takes day-to-day processes of follow-ups and making sure that you are staying on top of everything. So in…


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