Man breaks a contract

Green Ocean’s Off-Ramp Process and Fees

December 23, 2020

  We often receive questions from our clients and tenants about our off-ramp fees. In this article, we will discuss that thoroughly.   Green Ocean’s Off-Ramp Process and Fees   Our off-ramp fee is a one-time fee. The majority of our landlords stay with us for the duration that they own their property, but there…

Miniature house and a calculator on the table

Do Property Managers Need License in Massachusetts?

December 23, 2020

  Do property managers really need license to manage properties in the state of Massachusetts? Read on to find out.   They DO NOT need license     Technically the answer is NO because there are no federal or state regulations that require a license. It is unlike real estate, in which we have to get either…

Five stack of coins

How to INCREASE RENTS During Lease Renewal

December 23, 2020

  With the ongoing inflation, tax payments, and demand for repairs, an increase in rents is truly inevitable. As experienced property managers, we always get this question a lot: “How do you determine the increase during lease renewal? Do you also send out a notice to your tenants when it’s time to renew their lease?”…

Joint Lease VS. Individual Lease

Joint Lease vs. Individual Lease

December 23, 2020

    There are two methods of lease structures for multiple tenants: signing each tenant individually (or “by-the-bedroom”), or jointly (also called “one lease”). Depending on your preference, your rental property location, and your residents, one lease structure may be better than the other. Let’s take a moment to examine joint lease vs. individual lease…

Group of people grilling

Are Tenants Allowed to Have A Grill?

December 22, 2020

  Around the spring and summer months, we get this question a lot: “Are Tenants Allowed to Have A Grill?” This is a very tricky question. So in this article, we’re going to be sharing with you how we handle it at Green Ocean Property Management.   In all our leases, we don’t allow grills.…

Tax written on a cube with coins on the table

How Nonresident Aliens Pay Their Taxes

December 17, 2020

  According to Internal Revenue System, Nonresident aliens are individuals who are not a U.S. citizen or U.S. national and wasn’t able to pass the green card test or the substantial presence test. Nonresident aliens are international students who are currently studying in the United States, international students who need to obtain practical training that is…

Man giving thumbs up

What makes us STAND OUT from the rest!

December 16, 2020

    We are going to be covering the differences between us, Green Ocean Property Management, who has experienced managing hundreds of properties for over a few decades, compared to smaller property manager and companies that might do it on a part time basis or self-managed landlords.    This article is not going to be…

Jarret Lau with space heaters and a portable AC

How Does Space Heaters and Portable AC Units Work

December 15, 2020

  Another way that we, as a property management company think ahead and avoid problems for our clients is having space heaters and portable airconditioners (ACs) for our clients. We will share more details about it here.   Space Heater and Portable Airconditioner: A Must-Have Back-Up Strategy   One of the implied warranty of habitability is…

Kitchen with appliances

Why we get the appliance model and serial numbers

December 10, 2020

  In today’s article, we’re going to be covering another unique way that we do to save our landlords’ time and money and the things we do to be more efficient and effective in managing your property. Money-saving Tasks that We Do   #1 We get the appliance model and serial numbers     Whenever…


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