Top 3 Household Items Landlords Aren’t Required to Give to Tenants
In today’s session, I’m going to be talking about the three household items that aren’t required but are commonly thought of as required by landlords. A common misconception is that landlords should provide everything to keep tenants happy. You’re good as long as you comply with state laws, but it’s okay to be…
In today’s session, I’m going to be talking about the three household items that aren’t required but are commonly thought of as required by landlords.
A common misconception is that landlords should provide everything to keep tenants happy. You’re good as long as you comply with state laws, but it’s okay to be generous if it isn’t a burden.
Here are the three most common items many landlords believe they must provide for tenants but don’t really have to.
#1 Blinds
Many of our tenants will walk in and say, “Hey, my blinds are broken,” or “if the blinds are broken, you do have to replace them.”
If they are missing, you don’t actually have to provide them. But unfortunately, a lot of times, what ends up happening is tenants will screw their own curtains.
They will also put blankets up, and it will look really unsightly. We usually install mini blinds for about $10 a piece, but it isn’t required.
#2 Shower curtains
Shower curtains are a basic part of having a shower in a rental unit. Yet, not all landlords have to include them in the unit.
Typically, we will provide the rod for the shower curtain. But because of health reasons such as potential bathroom mold, many times we will not provide it.
In Massachusetts, it isn’t required to provide shower curtains in properties for rent.
#3 Fridge
Now the biggest one that comes as a surprise to most people is that a fridge is not required. So you should provide a stove, obviously, you don’t have to provide things like dishwasher disposal because it’s not always necessary.
Anything that you provide you have to make sure that you maintain, and replace it if it breaks. But with a fridge, you do not have to.
99% of the units that we have provided a fridge, and I do suggest it for you but it is just something of a knowledge base that you should have.
Some other appliances that you do not need to provide are washing machines and AC window units. These are also additional things that your tenant might say, “Well, the previous landlord did this.”
That doesn’t mean you have to, and we try to set those expectations in advance.
Our commitment
If you or anyone else you know is looking for a proactive property manager that can be able to guide you through household items landlords aren’t required to provide in their rental properties, please think of Green Ocean Property Management: where you get more than a property manager, you get peace of mind.
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