Benefits of Installing a Coin Laundry
One of the most common questions that we get asked as a landlord is, “I don’t have laundry in my building or I have normal laundry that isn’t coin-op, should I switch or install coin-op laundry?” In every single building that we manage, we always switch to coin-op laundry and we’ll tell you why.…
Who Should Pay the Public Utilities?
Paying of public utilities such as water and electricity can cause confusion to some landlords. In this article, we’re going to be covering whether you can have tenants pay the public utilities. Can they pay for public utilities? The answer is NO. Typically, what will end up happening is that each…
How to Certify Fire Escapes in Boston
Last year, the Department of Fire Services recorded at least 29,461 fires in the state of Massachusetts. 16% higher compared to 2019 causing 44 civilian deaths, 245 civilian injuries, 594 fire service injuries, 854 arsons, and $266 million damage in properties. The top three causes of fires are smoking, electricity malfunction, and unattended cooking of…
Is Rent Collection Possible When Tenants Don’t Have a Bank Account?
We want to be very conscious that some tenants are unable to open up bank accounts and they may request to pay in cash. That sounds very tempting because it gives landlords more flexibility of saving what they earn. Yet, that’s not the right way to do things. Can property managers accept cash? …
Is Emergency Light Testing Required?
With every single commercial building, whether it’s in a condo association, bigger commercial buildings, or even on multi-family homes, there is emergency lighting. Did you know that emergency lighting has batteries? Sometimes, they are also hardwired but there are batteries within the lights and they have to be tested all the time. When…
How to Handle Rental Properties with Oil Heat
Most people in Massachusetts prefer to use oil heating system to keep their places warm. If you have an oil tank in a property that you plan to rent out to tenants, you need to be clear about who is responsible for the maintenance and refilling of the oil tanks. We know, it sounds…
5 Most Affordable Ways to Increase Curb Appeal
In today’s article, we’re going to be talking about the best and easiest and most affordable ways to increase the curb appeal of your property. Prospective renters or even your current renters come to the property and they feel like they’re at home and they want to pay more money and more rent…
Process of Getting Curb Cut and Driveway Explained
It’s not always possible to get a curb cut and a driveway at your property. With every single property you might not have the land or the ability to be able to do so. However, if you do have this, we’re going to explain the process that we go through. We’ve helped out…
5 Basic Steps to Prepare your Property for Winter and Fall
Boston gets very cold this time of the year, so generally, we are on the lookout for preventive maintenance to prepare your property for the onset of the fall and winter seasons. Here’s our checklist that has been proven to ensure our properties are ready for the cold months. #1 Test all heating…