Man signing document

Why Should you Ask for tenants’ landlord reference and work verification

October 21, 2020

  One of the most common questions that we get is, “Are landlord and work verification necessary?” Back in the day, anything that we can do to pre-emptively determine if your tenants are going to be a good one or not, we’re going to do it for you. Prior planning prevents poor performance and learning how…

Repairman holding a clipboard with a thumbs-up

Green Ocean’s Property Protection Program

October 19, 2020

  With so much uncertainty going on in the world today, we are trying to offer our clients and our landlords a little bit more protection. We’ve designed a Property Protection Program (PPP) that allows us to keep you updated with the maintenance cost over the course of a month or a year. With PPP,…

Two Water Meters

Should a Tenant Pay their Water Bills in Massachusetts?

October 17, 2020

  Are you curious if your tenants should pay the water utilities for your property in Massachusetts? In this article, we will be covering that most commonly asked question by most landlords.   Is it possible for tenants to pay water bills?     In a condo association, water bills are included. However, if you do…


How to properly handle tenants who withhold rent

October 16, 2020

  Tons of prospective landlords always ask us this question: “Can my tenants withhold rent?” The state of Massachusetts is very tenant-friendly. However, there are some guidelines that tenants need to follow if they are going to withhold rent. Read on to know some.   1. A tenant must withhold in separate escrow accounts  …

Man thumbs up holding keys

How Does a Key Fob System Work?

October 14, 2020

  In today’s article, we’re going to be covering keys. We already discussed about the master key system in a different session.  So today, we will discuss key fobs.   What is a Key Fob?     Key fobs are the little things that can get you into a building. Instead of using actual keys,…

Lease Renewal Process – Explained

Lease Renewal Process – Explained

October 13, 2020

  To help us get started with the lease renewal process let’s first define lease. A lease is a binding contract between you and the tenant, stating the terms of the agreement.   Leases will expire anywhere between June and September in the Greater Boston area. We do this because that’s the highest amount of…

Jarret Lau pointing on his head

Property Management Tips: How to Prepare for Emergencies

October 13, 2020

  Property managers deal with emergencies all the time. Whether it is a flood, fire, or perhaps a squirrel in the attic, we make sure that landlords are prepared for any type of emergencies.   As a landlord, you need to make sure that all tenants have your contact information that’s easy to reach.  They…

Why Investors Need a Public Insurance Adjuster

Why Investors Need a Public Insurance Adjuster?

October 12, 2020

  Insurance losses will change people’s lives, and whether it means floods or fires, or something that is going to kick a tenant out of the properties, we make sure that we handle the process from start to finish and as quickly and as efficiently as possible.     Why hire a public adjuster?   Every…

Smiling Woman Pointing finger

How can a Property Manager help You?

October 10, 2020

  As a property management company for a few hundred investment properties around greater Boston, we have had our share of losses ranging from small to massively big. These insurance losses change people’s lives, whether it is a flood or fire or something that is going to kick a tenant out of the property. We…


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