Minimize Vacancies with 3D Renderings

Minimize Vacancies with 3D Renderings

July 15, 2022

  3D renderings allow contractors and prospective renters to look at the property without being onsite. But at Green Ocean Property Management, we take it to the next level: we use it for advertising the property. With more potential tenants who see it first, there’s less time for your property to remain vacant. Here’s how…

A Security Deposit Deduction

Dealing With Security Deposit Deductions

July 13, 2022

  We have handled more security deposit deductions than we can count. In today’s article, we explain how we sorted it out with one of our residents.   Move-out Inspections and Security Deposit Deductions At the end of every single lease term, a tenant will move out. It is then our job to do a…

Our Big Program, Explained

Our BIG Program, Explained

July 11, 2022

  Here at Green Ocean Property Management, we specialize in helping and building up our landlords. But we take property management to the next level as we introduce the Boston Investor Group, also known as our B.I.G. program.   What is B.I.G.? BIG stands for Boston Investor Group. It is a special recognition given to…

Acquire, Renovate, and On-Ramp Your Property with Us!

Acquire, Renovate, and On-Ramp your Property With Us!

July 8, 2022

    At Green Ocean Property Management, we help you before and beyond renovating your property. Here’s how we help you acquire, renovate, and on-ramp your property.   Acquiring and Renovating Your New Property   We help out a ton of clients purchase new properties. Now sometimes, these properties are vacant, and we need to…

Tips for a Successful Property Turnover

Tips for a Successful Property Turnover

July 6, 2022

  Property turnovers are probably one of the most exciting aspects of owning or renting a property. To make the transition smooth and hassle-free, here’s what you should do to achieve a successful property turnover.   What is a turnover? A property turnover is the time frame from when your tenant who currently lives in…

How Does Real Estate Depreciation Work?

How Does Real Estate Depreciation Work?

July 4, 2022

  Most people think that depreciation is a negative effect of owning a property but actually there is a good side of it that real estate investors should know. Find out what it is here. In today’s video, we are covering depreciation and how it works in real estate.   What is Depreciation? Generally, depreciation…

Why We Do Flat Fee Pricing

Why We Do Flat Fee Pricing

July 1, 2022

  Property managers do more than just collect rent and pay bills. We also help you accomplish your profit goals. In this article, our CEO Jarrett Lau explains why our flat fee pricing is a win-win deal for you, especially in the long run.   Why Flat Fee Pricing Probably the most common question that…

How We Save Money on Water

How We Save Money on Water

June 29, 2022

  Water is precious, and conserving it is good for the environment. But saving money on water bills benefits your wallet as well. Today, we are excited to share with you yet another way that we at Green Ocean Property Management can help you save more money with your investment property.   Our Water Bill…

Dealing with Dripping Water

Dealing with Dripping Water

June 27, 2022

  Dealing with dripping water requires professional assistance and the right tool. In today’s article, we explain how a small thing such as a guard dog valve can put your mind at ease from money– and water –pouring down the drain.   Sources of Dripping Water The three main sources of dripping water are a…


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